
Paul Nicklen and Sea Legacy Team

We were honoured to have one of the world’s most acclaimed nature photographers, filmmakers and marine conservationists Paul Nicklen and his team from SeaLegacy visit us in Tonga this year. Paul has spent over 20 years documenting the beauty and the plight of our planet and as an assignment photographer for National Geographic magazine, he captures and inspired the imagination of a global audience.

Paul is also the co-founder of non-profit, SeaLegacy which plays a crucial role in ocean conservation centred around extraordinary visual storytelling using a team of the world’s best photographers and filmmakers to capture the beauty and the threats below the surface of our oceans. SeaLegacy then utilises the incredible captured media to fuel, inspire and fund global campaigns that trigger lasting and sustainable change to protect our precious oceans. You can read more about their inspiring work here.

We had some truly amazing experiences and interactions with the whales during the week, we even got to see some baby whale dancing (Check out Paul’s awesome Instagram footage!).

Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the year 2019 – Winner with whales

Honoured to be announced the winner of the behaviour category for the Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the year 2019. This was an image I took of a heatrun of 14 humpback whales and 50 dolphins in the South Pacific. One of natures most powerful displays and with an entourage of rough toothed dolphins, was truly an amazing experience. I feel privileged to have witness this spectacular behaviour from so many beautiful cetaceans. Every day I am on the water means a chance of seeing something amazing, but I couldn’t do this without my long time friend and Skipper Sione Fifita and the team from Whales in the Wild.


The Pod Podcast – feature

Marc West interviews Scott Portelli about whales, the ocean, marine life and all things underwater in his Ocean Swimming Podcast series:

Scott Portelli is an acclaimed wildlife and underwater photographer, and has swum with whales and other magnificent creatures of the deep in some of the world’s most exotic locations, like Antarctica, Tonga, the Falkland Islands and Norway. Among many other awards, Scott was awarded Wildlife Photographer of the Year in 2016, and he runs tours that you can join up with around the world to swim with whales.

Photo by Joanna Lentini

Waterproof Expeditions and Scott Portelli join forces in Tonga

In 2019 Waterproof Expeditions and Scott Portelli join forces to bring you some new and exciting expeditions in Tonga. with over 17 years taking people to swim with humpback whales in Tonga combined with Waterproof Expeditions who are experts in adventure and expedition travel around the world, this venture see’s us offering some of the best experiences with whales you could ever imagine.

Just released for 2019, new tours to swim with the humpback whales in Tonga:

12th – 19 July – Tour #2 – 7 Days on the water
20th – 27th July Tour #3 – 7 Days on the water

9th – 16th August – Tour #4 – 7 Days on the water
20th – 27th August – Tour #5 – 7 Days on the water

1st – 8th October – Tour #6 – 7 Days on the water
9th – 16th October Tour #7 – 7 Days on the water
17th – 24th October Tour #8 – 7 Days on the water

Contact us for more information on how you can join one of these amazing trips.