
Tonga 2014 season

Tonga – Still Paradise

I have been visiting Tonga for 13 years and spent many hours on the water photographing Humpback whales and I can tell you, every time I get in the water with these magnificent creatures, I am just as excited as the first time. Tonga has so much to offer, picturesque landscapes and underwater environments makes this place paradise for Photographers, and don’t forget the added bonus that you can swim with whales. It really is still paradise. Every year I see something  different or have one of those unforgettable encounters. This year I had a baby whale shoot up from the depths and breach half a meter in front of me, exhilarating to say the least. This year Travel & Fashion Blogger, Laura McWhinnie from This Island life did an interview piece about her time in Tonga with us, check out the article here:

This year we started the Tongan Fluke Collective, which encourages visiting photographers to donate Fluke shots to help ID the different individual whales that come to Tonga each year. You can find out more about the program here: – Anyway we will be running a number of Photographic tours in the next year or so to various destinations, so stay tuned.

If you want to see some of the Video footage you can see this season’s wrap up here:

Tonga 2014 season still paradise collage swimming with humpback whales  and through caves

Aerial Safari Australia

Australia from Above

One of the most spectacular things I have done recently is fly across the top part of Australia in a small Cesna 206 Photographing aerial views of this amazing diverse landscape. The view of from up high above Australia is so vast and vivid with colour and texture. you think you are on another planet when you look down. The expedition consisted of 33 low level flights covering more than 10,000km of some of Australia’s most remote regions. camping in remote areas of Australia only accessible by plane was a treat. it is unfathomable how big our country is til you cross it in a small plane. Although quite challenging to take photos out of a moving plane where temperature and wind speed are against you, we still managed to come back with some unique views of Australia that few people have ever seen.


Some of the images also made it into a competition collections of the top twelve photos of Australia from above.

Aerial Safari Above Australia

whale sharks Cendrawasih Bay

The Hunger: Whale Sharks in Cendrawasih Bay

In a place called Cendrawasih Bay in West Papua, whale sharks congregate in great numbers to feed in the rich waters. Filter feeding on small fish and plankton these sharks have a healthy appetite and very rarely stop eating for anything. But the reason they are so abundant is because the local fisherman share their catch with these giants and now the sharks know they can sometimes get an easy feed from the fisherman on the Began’s. Being in the water with several hungry whale sharks that have no concern for your personal space is hectic to say the least. they will literally squeeze you out of the way to get to the bait fish caught in the nets. Truly a spectacular event to witness, just watch you don’t get knocked out by these pushy giants.

whale sharks Cendrawasih Bay

Christmas and Cocos Island

Christmas and Cocos Island

There is no were else in the world like Christmas and Cocos Island. Christmas Island is one of the truly amazing places on the planet. with the most unique migration of any species. I am talking about the Red Crab migration. Each year millions of crabs migrate from the surrounding forest down to the beaches for that one perfect night to drop their eggs into the ocean. I cant describe how phenomenal this event is. Not to mention the amazing creatures in the water that also come for this event, whale sharks and manta rays feed on the larvae. it is such a Picturesque place topped by viewing this rare event. I was in crab paradise. I spent most of my time in Christmas Island but also managed to get across to Cocos which is equally beautiful but by contrast very different. I haven’t quite finished with these 2 Australian territories just yet, look forward to getting back there again in the near future.

Christmas and Cocos Island