Australian National Maritime Museum

“I was recently asked to speak at the opening of the Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition being shown at the Australian Maritime Museum. They featured my award winning image and wrote a piece about my photography, you can see the full article here:

“During the opening of our new exhibition Wildlife Photographer of the Year we had the opportunity to welcome a special guest: Scott Portelli, an Australian photographer living in Sydney has already travelled the world extensively and took pictures in some of the most remote destinations like The Arctic, Antarctica, Galapagos, etc. He spent hundreds of days in pursuit of different wildlife. Due to his experience, he is privileged to be up close and personal with many creatures. Scott has already won multiple awards, this year he got selected by Wildlife Photographer of the year and his picture can be seen in the exhibition.”

Giant Australian Cuttlefish aggregation, award-winning photo by Scott Portelli (recently displayed at the Australian Maritime Museum)

Here is my speech from the opening night.